If you have any issues with a purchase, a support agent will most likely need a receipt from you in order to check it. More precisely, a screenshot of the receipt.
Your screenshot should contain:
- Transaction ID/Order Number
- Purchase date
- Lot name
- Lot price
Receipts are usually sent to your email within 24 hours from the moment of your purchase.
Here's how you can find them:
- Follow this link: http://payments.google.com/
- Log into your Google account
- Select the corresponding purchase
- Take a screenshot of the receipt with Order Number
Make sure that the Order Number (GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345) is visible on your screenshot!
- Open the Settings app on your iOS device
- Tap on your name
- Then tap "Media & Purchases". You might be asked to sign in
- Tap "Purchase History". You'll see a list of your previous App Store transactions
- Tap on the corresponding transaction to see its details
- Take a screenshot with the Order ID and lot name visible
Xsolla receipts are sent to your email address entered during the purchase process.
If you cannot find your receipt, please try following the instructions via this link - https://help.xsolla.com/receipts/how-can-i-get-a-receipt
It should look like this:
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