All promotion codes are available for a limited time and only once.
Make sure that the promotion code you're about to use have not expired - you can check the dates in the corresponding post about that code in our Discord or Facebook.
For iOS players:
If you're playing on iOS, you can only enter promotion codes on our website due to App Store specific policies. This requires you to link an email to your account first!
- Open the in-game Settings menu and check if you already linked your email. If it's linked - skip to Step 4.
- You will either see your email address on the left (if it's already linked) or a prompt to Leave your Email, like on the screenshot;
- Press the "Leave Email" button and follow the instructions to link your email address;
- Once you successfully link your Email, go to our official website. Enter your Profile ID (six-letter combination, you can see it in settings), the email you linked earlier and the promotion code;
- If everything is correct, press the "Redeem" button! Promotion code rewards will appear in the in-game Rewards section (Profile -> Rewards);
For Android Players:
You can simply enter the promotion code in your Profile -> Promotion Code tab. Rewards will arrive in the in-game Rewards section:
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