Welcome to Heli Racing, a competitive Alliance game mode with a shared task pool and a race to the top! To get started with Heli Racing, you must be in an Alliance. Once you are, it can be found in the Alliance Menu.
Complete shared tasks to get 2 types of rewards: Top Gears to exchange for other useful rewards in the Market, and Magnetrons to advance your Alliance's ranking and unlock rewards for the whole Alliance.
Open Quests, claim a task, and complete it in time, or dismiss it at the cost of 100 Emerix gems. When quests are claimed, their slots go on cooldown. Anyone can spend 10 Emerix gems to speed up them up and generate a new quest instantly.
Complete enough quests, and you will hit a daily limit. However, you can pay 50 gems to get another quest attempt, up to 3 additional attempts per day.
Quests give Top Gears. You can exchange them at the Market for Apex and Legendary Mercenaries. Note that Top Gears don’t reset between Heli Races.
Alliance Competition
Quests also give Magnetrons. These, like Influence, are an Alliance resource. Alliances compete in Heli Race using Magnetrons: the Alliance that has the most is ahead of the race at the first place.
Acquiring enough Magnetrons unlocks rewards for the whole Alliance. These are awarded at the end of Heli Race.
Your Alliance’s place in Heli Race determines two things:
How much Influence the Alliance will get at the end of Heli Racing
Will the Alliance go up a Division or drop down one
The higher your Alliance ’s Division, the more daily quests and more shared rewards your Alliance can unlock.
The first thing that you will see when opening Heli Racing is the Quests tab — all the main action happens here.
Quest Slots
Every alliance has 12 quest slots. These quests are shared between every member. As soon as someone claims a quest, others lose the ability to claim it. Furthermore, when quests are claimed, quest slots go into cooldown for 30 minutes.
This timer can be bypassed by any member for 10 Emerix gems.
Quest Rewards
Quests in Heli Racing reward two resources:
Top Gears — personal resource used in the Heli Race Market on various rewards. Unlike most event currencies, Top Gears do not reset between the races.
Magnetrons — alliance resource used to compare the Alliance to other alliances in the ongoing Heli Racing. Reaching certain milestones unlocks rewards for all members of the Alliance when Heli Racing ends.
Quest Progress
To claim a quest, tap on it, then tap “Begin”. After you confirm, you will claim it, and the quest slot will go into cooldown.
To receive rewards for the claimed quest, complete it before its timer runs out. There is a helpful button “Go to” that can lead you right to where you need to be to complete the quest.
If you’re unhappy with the quest, you can dismiss it at a cost of 100 Emerix gems by tapping the trash bin button, then confirming your decision.
Quest Limits
Every time you claim a quest, you deplete your daily Heli Racing Quest limit. Once you deplete that limit, you will lose the ability to claim new quests.
However, you can extend the daily cap for gems 3 additional times per day, each time costing 50 Emerix gems.
The number of quests you can complete daily depends on your Alliance’s Heli Racing Division. More about that below.
Note: you can only have one quest active at the time.
Heli Racing Market offers you a way to spend your hard-earned Top Gears on other rewards like apex, and legendary mercs.
The Market refreshes along with Heli Race.
Ranking & Matchmaking
Alliance VS Alliance
Besides personal rewards, Heli Racing offers an Alliance VS Alliance experience. Open the Heli Racing tab to see other Alliances and their progress.
Here, you can see other Alliances that you are currently competing against, as well as their place in the race and amount of Magnetrons. Your alliance’s Heli Race lane is highlighted with bright blue.
Heli Race lanes are split into three categories:
Supreme pilots (top 3): Alliances flying here will advance to the higher Division when Heli Racing ends
Rising Stars (bottom 3): Alliances flying here will demote to the lower Division when Heli Racing ends
Swift Navigators: the rest of the Alliances
Your Division defines the daily Heli Race Quest limit for each of your Alliance's members, as well as the number of possible rewards you can unlock for collecting Magnetrons.
Besides allowing you to beat other Alliances, Magnetrons unlock additional rewards.
These rewards are granted at the end of Heli Racing. Besides these rewards, the Alliance also receives Influence. The amount of Influence depends on their position at the end Heli Race.
Advancement & Matchmaking
Your Alliance's place in the Heli Racing determines two things:
How much Influence the Alliance will get at the end.
Whether the Alliance will advance its Division or, on the contrary, drop down a Division.
When the next Heli Race starts, you will be matched with Alliances within your Division.
Tips & Tricks
Member Ranking Window
If you’re an officer or an Alliance Leader, you might want to visit the Ranking tab. Here, you can see progress of each of your Alliance’s members.
Here you can see who has earned your Alliance the most Magnetrons, how many quests have they completed, and how many quests have they deleted.
Note: placing high within your Alliance’s Ranking doesn’t yield any rewards besides bragging rights.
Min-maxing Tips
The best strategy in Heli Race is fairly simple: take and complete every quest. However, there are some things to be on the lookout for:
Since you can only have once quest going on at the time, you should prioritize quests that you know you can complete within your planned gaming session. If you’re only swinging in for 10 minutes, try to pick quests that are easier, like “get 400 Peacekeeper merc points” or “defeat other players 5 times”.
When you know you’re going to end your gaming session soon, pick the quest that takes a while to complete, like “collect 10000 credits”.
Try to stack Heli Race quests with other game quests. If you have a daily quest “Start a battle against other players 3 times”, you might want to pick up the “defeat other players 2 times” quest in Heli Racing.
Coordinated Play
When it comes to working together as a coordinated Alliance, there are some things that we suggest you keep in mind:
Balance easy and hard quests. This ensures that both you and your teammates get a fair share of Top Gears.
Don’t dismiss quests. Not only does it cost a pretty penny, dismissing quests eliminates the possibility of getting rewards for you and your Alliance. Instead, let your teammates know that there is a hard quest that someone should pick up.
Dismiss quests with your officers or AL. Doing so can help your Alliance clear out quests that nobody is willing to take. While this might cost you some points, And if you let your officers or AL know, they will have an easier time keeping track of who’s doing what.
Speed up Quest Slots occasionally. You don’t have to do it all the time, of course, but someone needs to do it if your Alliance wants to maximize its performance in Heli Race.
Your Alliance doesn’t have to follow any of these suggestions, of course. If you believe that a different workflow works for you, then that’s what you should follow.
1 comment
Not sure if its a bug since last update or not.... But when it says kill 20 syndicate and I go to battle, I've been having to kill 2 syndicate for it to count as 1. I check between battles to see how many are needed still vs how many I've killed. Same goes for all character types. Maybe if any devs see this they could look into it?? As much as I grind on this and have spent money as have so many hundreds of thousands of of other people.... we shouldn't also have pay by double grinding out kills too!
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