What's new in Alliance Wars 2.0?
Here's a quick rundown on what's new in our updated Alliance Wars™ with patch 14.0.0:
Completely new entities that assist you in PvP battles! They apply various buffs and debuffs during the course of the fight. -
The Alliance Wars are now divided into Seasons. Each Season lasts for 12 weeks, and at the end of each Season, Alliances receive significant rewards. During the Seasons, special Seasonal Units (Twins) are available. -
New Seasonal Units. Significantly more powerful than regular Troops, but they are completely reset at the end of the Season. -
New Leaderboards with various rewards! Daily Leaderboards account for captured Sectors. Weekly and Seasonal Leaderboards reflect the Influence earned by the Alliance from captured Sectors.
Want to learn more about Alliance Wars? Read this complete, in-depth guide to this Alliance PvP mode here.
General Mechanics
Alliance Wars pit multiple teams against each other for control over a map divided into sectors. The more of them you control, the more rewards you receive.
The war is fought in turns that occur throughout the day. During each turn, you and your teammates can send troops to sectors adjacent to those you already hold or to your starting positions at the edges of the map. The turn ends with a clash that determines the winner, who will hold a particular sector until the next clash. The alliance with the most troops at the beginning of the clash will emerge victorious. Any other troops, as well as the difference in troop numbers between the top two alliances, will be destroyed during the clash. For instance, if you are holding a sector with 1000 troops and are attacked by two opponents with 400 and 900 troops, you will still retain control of the sector with only 100 troops remaining after the clash. When planning your operations, keep in mind that at the end of every third clash, the defending troops in each sector are weakened by 70%.
Alliance Units and Attacks
Sending troops onto a map is done using special Alliance units: Troops, which can be found in the Alliance War under the Squad tab. Your squad consists of several pieces of heavy equipment, which can be Tanks, Mechs or Aircraft, as well as Twins - special Seasonal Units. The type of vehicle affects its effectiveness on certain sectors, as they can have buffs or debuffs for them. Your troops also have a rarity, which affects their overall base power and price. They can be obtained for War Bonds (see Resources and Rewards for more information).
All your troops can also be leveled using different Turbo Cores for different types of troops. You will also need Neocubes for breakthrough levels. All of the resources you need can be obtained from War Spoils using War Bonds.
To send your troops, select a sector and tap the ATTACK button. In the attack window, you can choose how many units to send, either manually or using the filters at the bottom of the screen. Note that you can only send a specific unit once per day, and it will only be available in Alliance War again after a daily reset. Choose which forces to send on which turn wisely.
At the attack window, you can also BOOST or SABOTAGE troops that have already been sent.
Boosting allows you to immediately (or, dare we say, suddenly!) increase the power of already dispatched troops, allowing you to outplay your rivals when time is of the essence or resources are low. But be careful, it is done with a limited resource, Super Diesel, so use it wisely.
Sabotage (crossed eye button) is done by spending Emerix gems to hide the true number of your troops or reveal your opponent's hidden powers. Use it in combination with sending troops and/or boosting to surprise your opponent and gain that edge over them.
Twins (Seasonal Units)
Twins are the newly added Seasonal Units. They are significantly more powerful than regular Troops, but their upgrades are completely reset at the end of the Season.
They perform all the same functions as regular Troops and are upgraded similarly with Red Cores and Neocubes.
Timings and Schedules
A new war starts every week on Monday at around 19:00 UTC, together with the first turn. The second turn of the day starts at 1:00 UTC and the last one at 13:00 UTC. In this way, the war is waged throughout the week, ending with a cool-down day before starting again. With the start of each new Alliance War day (at 19:00 UTC; on 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 15th, and 18th turns), your troops are reset, and everyone in the alliance receives their share of rewards from the claimed tiles.
Resources and Rewards
Rewards in Alliance War are awarded for holding sectors and gathering Influence. At the end of each Third Clash, you and your Alliance will receive the rewards associated with each sector under your control. The amount each player receives is proportional to the amount of troops they have contributed throughout the 3 rounds. Each player receives a percentage of each tile's reward, as well as Leaderboard Rewards, depending on their position in the guild. At the end of turn 18 (the final turn), the tile rewards are doubled.
But what exactly can you get? Let's take a look at the guild's resources and where they come from.
War Bonds are the main resource used to build up your army. They can be obtained from Leaderboard Rewards and spent on new troops or in War Spoils for other resources.
War Spoils can reward you with Red and regular Neocubes and Green, Blue, Yellow and Red Turbo Cores, all of which a used to level up your troops. You can also get some Super Diesel for sneak attacks, as well as Android Shards and Emerix Gems to strengthen your PvP squad. The amount of rewards is scaled with the level of the War Spoils, which increases with the number of spins.
Another important resource you can get from Sectors is Apex, which you will need to activate Alliance bonuses for yourself.
Some sectors also grant Influence — an important Alliance resource used to increase its level and upgrade the Alliance Bonuses. Note that you gain Influence for your Alliance, not for yourself, and it doesn't get transferred if you switch your Alliance.
Heli Racing shop also now provides you an option to obtain Super Diesel and resources to level-up your troops.
Seasons and Leaderboards
The Alliance Wars are now divided into Seasons. Each Season lasts for 12 weeks, starting on Monday.
At the end of each Season, Alliances receive significant rewards depending on their place in Seasonal Rankings. Twins Upgrades reset with each Season.
Seasonal Leaderboard is a Global Leaderboard which accounts the Influence that your Alliance have gathered from Captured Sectors. Purchased Influence does not count in this Leaderboard!
Weekly and Daily Leaderboards only include Alliances from your current War. Both reward you with War Bonds for your achievements.
Daily Leaderboard accounts the Captured Sectors for the current War Day. Weekly Leaderboard accounts the Influence from Captured Sectors.
At the start of a war, all alliances are placed on the map in groups of ten. These are chosen based on the combined strength of the alliance's troops, so you will face rivals with similar potential.
Maps are divided into eight tiers. The eighth tier is a training tier for new and amateur alliances, it is 3x3 in size, has smaller rewards, and once you are promoted, there is no way back. After leaving this starter level, your alliance's ranking will be determined by the combined power of all members' troops.
The more power you have, the higher tiers you will play in. The higher map tier is, the more rewards there will be on sectors.
Other map features
Certain sectors can have special rules of war applied to them. Some may contain buffs or debuffs for certain types of troops. Some may contain buildings that give you extra resources for holding them, such as Super Serum or Influence.
Each tile also includes a riot chance in its description. This can range from very low to very high and indicates the likelihood of neutral troops appearing in that sector in the form of an Uprising. The more sectors you hold, the more likely it is that Uprisings will occur on your sectors, breaking your monopoly.
On the map UI you can also: toggle the tracking of all attacks on the map by pressing the ALL button in the bottom right corner, view previous turns by tapping the timeline on the right.
Worldwide Leaderboards
Your alliance's participation in the Alliance War determines its position on the Worldwide Alliance Leaderboards.
The Alliances are ranked by special ranked points that are calculated via a complex formula. To simplify it, however, the ranked points scale up with:
- The total power of alliance troops your alliance has sent in the current war.
- Total number of sectors you've captured in the current war.
- Total number of landmarks you've captured in the current war.
The Leaderboards reset every week during the Alliance War cooldown period.
Androids are completely new entities that assist you in PvP battles! They apply various buffs and debuffs during the course of the fight.
You can find your Androids in a separate tab of the Squad window:
What do they do?
Androids possess various Passive and Active abilities that can significantly influence the course of battle, from spawning healing beacons to giving completely new abilities to Mercs.
All acquired Androids also provide additional Health Bonuses to your Commanders, even if you do not place them in your Squad.
How to get them?
You unlock Androids by getting the required amount of Encryption Keys:
Encryption Keys can be obtained from War Spoils, Seasonal Leaderboard and certain Offers.
How to upgrade them?
Upgrading Androids is very similar to Upgrading Mercenaries, but you need Android Points instead of Mercenary Points and Gold Plates instead of Credits.
Both Android Points and Gold Plates can be obtained as a reward from capturing Sectors, participating in Alliance War, Seasonal Leaderboard and certain Offers.
Tips, Tricks and Nuances
For all of these, you can join our Official Discord Server to gain knowledge directly from experienced players or our team.
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